Based on the study crowd source delivery service is about $805 million market share just getting 5% of the pie is a lot for any start-up company doing a crowd based delivery. Most common problems of local retailers is the lack of manpower for courier and delivery, many e-commerce business abandonment have been closed due to deliver cost and delay of their delivery. Local delivery and same day delivery are limited within 15 miles radius from the store. Some local and small businesses find it hard to stay with the competition because of their limited resources such as maintaining employee’s payroll and vehicle maintenance.
Crowd To Go is one of those start-up company that wants to create a community of crowd source that
focus on delivery service. Their goal is to partner with small and local businesses that don’t have the capability or having the problem with last mile delivery service. Crowd To Go have this pool of people a.k.a. "crowdie" which is willing to deliver a certain package to a customer. Crowdie is just your average Joe with a smart-phone, once there a package that needs to be delivered Crowd To Go will notify them, the first one respond will be the person delivering the products to respective clients using their own bicycle, motorcycle, scooter or cars. Anyone can be a crowdie student, a single parent, professional or anyone looking for a part time job to increase their income during their free time.
Crowd source delivery is fast emerging service that businesses can’t be longer ignored; tapping the crowd to deliver certain product is very innovative in a way that same day and local delivery can be possible. While there are many questions and loophole in this kind of delivery system which can be improved over time it’s very important to try and develop this system. Crowd source delivery not only gives businesses the luxury to market their products online but it`s also takes away the burden of costly delivery service. While on the part of consumer it gives them the convenience and privilege to use their purchased product right away.